When I grow up

What do you want to be when you grow up? How many times were you asked that question as a child? How many times have you asked it? Do you know the answer? It’s a tough question, mostly because we feel limited by the labels in some mythic index of occupations....

Babes and their mouths

Winter weather has arrived, and with it have come the requisite school closures. This year, my kids have the benefit of e-learning: online coursework assigned on cancellation days to keep them in the swing of things and, more importantly, to allow the school to avoid...

What’s cookin’

I love cookbooks. I like to page through them, reading the recipes, mentally putting them together to figure out if something will work. I like the background stories that some of them include, and I imagine what it must have been like the first time that steaming...

Coffee klatsch

Doggone it. Why do my local grocery stores only carry plain-Jane flavors of coffee creamer? Vanilla, caramel, hazelnut, and a few seasonal concoctions are all that grace our shelves. I know from traveling and a few relevant trade shows that there are dozens of flavors...

Week one

You can probably tell that I’ve been busy. I’ve spent the past few weeks preparing for a job change, making the job change, and trying to wrap my head around it all. New extracurricular activities have filled my time outside the office, and my head is...