I can hardly believe that a year ago today, I launched this blog. In the real world, a year really isn’t a long time, but in this fast-paced virtual society, that’s practically an eternity. Most bloggers abandon their efforts after a few months or weeks, so permit me a tiny kinda-proud-of-myself moment.

Actually, I’m not so much proud for keeping up the effort as for learning some lessons along the way. On my blog’s half birthday, I reflected on this same topic. I won’t bore you with more of the same, but if you want a refresher, you can review that post here.

But here’s something new. This blog has given me the confidence that comes with practice. By writing (almost) every weekday, I continually sharpen my skills. I can try new techniques and contemplate tricky topics. Sometimes I succeed and sometimes I fall flat, but this blog that is mine-all-mine functions as a sandbox in which I can play and feel safe. And you know, I always learn more from the failures than from the successes.

This confidence building exercise has allowed me to step out into the “real” writing world–the world in which I get paid for it. Since Wordsmatter’s half birthday, I’ve acquired a freelance gig that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed. I still can’t believe someone is paying me to do what I love. Without Wordsmatter, I never would have had the courage to pursue it.

Although I would write anyway, I offer you my heartfelt thanks for reading. I appreciate your comments more than you know; they keep me motivated and they give me a barometer to measure how I’m doing.

It has been a very good year.

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